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The Last Straw. Really.

A packed crowd of 100 gathered at the Los Altos Library on Wed. evening, Jan. 17, because they’d had enough. Enough PLASTIC, that is!

GreenTown hosted a showing of the inspiring short film: STRAWS: A Documentary for a Sea of Change – One Straw at a Time. Following the film, we learned about the actions that students at Bullis Charter School are taking through their #Decarbonize/Decolonize club.

The team that joined us focused on a pilot campaign to reduce plastic straws in school and are taking it school-wide this Spring. We also heard from the Los Altos High School Green Team about its January 27, Students for Green High Schools Conference organized by and for students. The conference hosted representatives f

rom green clubs throughout the Bay Area to share their successes and network for greater impact.

A GreenTown committee to develop a No Straws campaign is now forming, in cooperation with Silicon Valley for America. If you are interested in being part of the committee to develop and implement a campaign to eliminate straws in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, please let us know at Also, if you are interested in spreadin

g the word by showing the film to your organization or group, please let us know.

To get started right away,

below are a few resources that you may find useful and interesting.

Resources on Eliminating Plastic Straws

  1. A list of straw alternatives

  2. Leave-behind place cards that you can take to businesses asking them not to eliminate plastic straws or at the very least, provide them only on request. (attached)

  3. Script for interacting with businesses.

Ocean Pollution Prevention Organizations

  1. Heirs to the Oceans. Watch their video!!

  2. Blue Mind – Wallace Nichols featured in the movie

  3. Ocean Conservancy – Organizes coastal cleanups

  4. Plastic Pollution Coalition – Many take action options, e.g., the 4Rs pledge

  5. Algalita Foundation – Marine research and youth programs

  6. 5 Gyres Foundation – Science, education, adventure

Inspirational Individuals

  1. Lauren Singer – Lives a zero waste lifestyle outlined in her Tedx Teen Talk. Started a company. Blogs on Trash is for Tossers.

  2. Bea Johnson – Author of Zero Waste Home lives a zero waste lifestyle with kids!

  3. Beth Terry – lives a plastic-free life. Writes blog and book My Plastic-Free Life. Beth spoke at a GreenTown event a few years back. Check out her Tedx Talk.

Proposed Calif. Legislation re Ocean Pollution

  1. Follow Californians Against Waste to keep up with advocacy efforts re waste in Calfornia. They worked hard to uphold the statewide single use bag ban, for instance.

  2. AB 319  – Connect the Cap. Requires that plastic bottle caps be tethered to plastic bottles. Plastic bottle caps are a threat to many marine species, including the Albatross. Speak out. Email your representatives asking them to support the bill.

  3. Upcoming legislation limiting straw use in restaurants.

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