In January, GreenTown Los Altos partnered with Acterra for an event called "Plentiful New Year" aimed at promoting plant based eating at any level you feel comfortable with in your home. The event is over but your ability to participate is still wide open! Here's some of what you can do:
Continue the Plantiful dietary challenge, pledging to eat more foods that are friendly to, and for, the environment. Do it at your own pace and feel free to reach out to for any help.
Sign up for Acterra's Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet newsletter for exclusive interviews with local Bay Area plant-based chefs and for the event announcements like the next dietary challenge, recipes and resources. Check it out here. Also check out GreenTown Los Altos' Eating Green blurbs in the newsletter which offer activities through the year like the Eating Green Foodie Club in the spring. Sign up for the newsletter here.
One easy "on ramp" is Meatless Mondays, where you skip meat on Mondays. Check out Acterra's Meatless Alphabet or GreenTown's Plant-Based Guide for Families website, if you need ideas for what to whip up for any meal.
Listen to Dana Ellis Hunnes' January webinar here. She's an environmentalist and dietitian who gave tips on how to be healthier and be a more sustainably aware consumer.
We welcome you to also join GreenTown's Eating Green Team, if you're passionate about promoting Eating Green or would like to learn more about how we can help with the transition to a plant-based diet. Email us here.