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Los Altos Family-friendly Monthly Bike Ride: Starting May 7

Join other families, friends, and bicyclists of all ages for a casual and fun group bike ride around Los Altos next Saturday, May 7, from 4:00-6:00pm. The ride will feature several hidden passageways that help you get to several shopping districts and the community center on a safe and fun route for families, kids and adults. Anything to make the ride festive, like a rolling bike party, is encouraged!

The ride will organize at 4:00pm at the corner of Main and Second Streets. We will ride for 1-2 hours around town, ending up back in downtown Los Altos. Those interested can continue the party at Spot’s Pizza or other downtown restaurants at 6:00pm.

Our next ride is scheduled for Saturday June 4th. For more information, please contact Monthly Bike Ride coordinators Scott Vanderlip at (650) 793-0475  or, or Laura Teksler at

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