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Lawn-Be-Gone is back!

Gary Hedden

Updated: May 6, 2022

After a two year absence, we could finally hold a group event, and in early April, 25 bike riders visited landscapes in the community featuring drought-tolerant plants and no lawn.

At the first home, Susan Moss, an experienced gardener, showed us the yard she designed. It was beautiful and by using the Cal Water Service rebate program (visit, she recovered most of her cost.

The second home’s landscape was designed by Tyler Furuichi ( and

incorporated large existing plants with new plants, completely removing the lawn.

Donwload plant list for this home:

The third home showed us a yard that has been native and drought-tolerant for many years. The plants were labeled and many riders snapped pictures to help them with their own plans.

The final home also featured natives and many were in full bloom. The plants were labeled and there were even resource books available.

The final stop was at the Woodland Library Garden. We got a chance to see the plants that were planted five years ago by GreenTown as part of a girl scout gold award project. The manzanitas and ceanothus have done well and are now large. With the help of landscape designer Nikki Hanson (, GreenTown recently cleaned up the grounds, planted some new plants and made some adjustments to the drip irrigation system. It will get some wood chips and some new labels soon, and be ready for another five years!

You can see the plant list for the Woodland Library here on Calscape or download the pdf below.



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