~by Margie Suozzo
GreenTown Los Altos’ next ReCycle Bike Drive is coming Sunday, October 14! We are seeking YOUR donations. Please donate gently used bikes so that we can clean, repair and distribute them to kids in need. We will be collecting bikes from 10AM-2PM at Los Altos High School.
Community activist, Kathleen Santora, started the bike drive 21 years ago at St. Nicholas School. In total, Santora and friends collected and distributed more than 600 bikes to Sacred Heart Community Services in San Jose for families in need! In 2012, Santora approached GreenTown about partnering on the bike drive and we haven’t looked back! Now in its 6th year hosting the Recycle Bike Drive, GreenTown is partnering with Los Altos High School (LAHS) and the LAHS Green Team. LAHS generously provides the site for the bike drive and both the Green Team and LAHS administration help us get the word out.
Last year, we refurbished 80 bikes for kids in local schools. Many were distributed to low-income students at Castro School in Mountain View and at Los Altos High School. The rest went to Hope Services to help provide gainful employment for disabled adults.
So clean out your garage and consider donating a gently used bike.
Volunteers will be on hand at LAHS (near the U) Sunday, October 14, from 10AM to 2PM to accept donations. Stop by during that time with your underutilized bike. And make a student in need smile!
Gently Used Bike Intake Guidelines*
Was your bike stored outside?
Dirty/dusty (some grease/dirt is OK)
Bent wheels or damage to rims?
Rust spots on a frame? (larger than a dime)?
Is the chain/cogs rusty?
Has the bike been in a crash?
Are the tires cracked? Check sidewalls?
Is the cable housing cracked or broken?
Are the derailleurs bent or damaged?
Can you move the seat post up/down?
If “Yes” for any of the above questions, we cannot refurbish or repurpose your bike.
You have the following options:
We can collect it for Hope Services.
You can have your waste hauler (Mission Trail Waste Systems or Recology South Bay) to collect the bike through their bulky items collection program.
Or you can recycle the bike at:
San Jose Metals Recycling, 1032 N. 10th Street
Ranch Town Recycling, 775 Lincoln Ave

Recycle Bike Drive-Repair Station

Recycle Bike Drive-Margie and friends
