With the new Los Altos gas leaf blower ordinance, property owners, rather than workers, can receive a citation for the use of a gas leaf blower on their property. When a complaint is received by Code Enforcement, a "Courtesy Notice" is sent to the property owner. Citations result in fines ranging from $100 for a first offense to $500 for a third offense.
Residents are strongly encouraged to report all observed use of gas leaf blowers to the City's Code Enforcement. The City will not disclose the identity of anyone who reports the use of a gas blower. Report violations online here or through email here or by phone at (650) 947-2775.

How is Code Enforcement Doing Citywide?
Code enforcement for gas leaf blowers was moved from Los Altos Police Dept. to the City at the end of 2022 and in April 2023 Code Enforcement Officer Shauna McKimmie was hired .
Since Code Enforcement Officer McKimmie was hired, warnings issued for gas leaf blower violations are up 599%! Citations issued are down 56% during that time with only 6 citations issued. Thanks to Bruce McFarlane for obtaining this data from Public Records and for his analysis.